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Showing posts with label Server Hardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Server Hardening. Show all posts

September 2, 2015

Finding files and directories according to linux permissions

by 4hathacker  |  in Server Hardening at  1:54 AM
Here some tricks to find files and directories as per the linux DAC  permissions

1. finding all files and directories with 0777 permission

[root@4hathacker mail]# find  /  -perm  0777 -print

2.  find all files only with 0777 permission

[root@4hathacker mail]# find  /  -type f -perm  0777 -print

Note: for directories you can -type  -d

3. files and directories without   777 permission

[root@4hathacker mail]# find  /   ! -perm  0777 

** 4. files and directories with any special permission 7---

[root@4hathacker mail]# find  /   -perm  /7000

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